Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tamarindo...not really Costa Rica, but still good

Because we missed our buses to Nicaragua, for which I take the blame by not having a watch: we went to a nearby beach called Tamarindo. It's one of the most built up towns in Costa Rica. Por ejemplo, this guy selling us something only spoke to us in English until it got to money of course. We kept speaking in Spanish but with him...always with English. I don't think most people in Tamarindo spoke Spanish at all actually.

It was a good place to go if your sole mission is to relax and have a vacation. If you want a vacation in the real Costa Rica...try some other place not as populated with tourists. It's basically a resort area, high end shops and restaurants. Although most of the surf shops are still owned by Ticos. I was disappointed by the surf actually. Everything said that Tamarindo had great waves. I guess during the times I wasn't there at the beach there were. But for the most part it was a good place for those learning: the surf shops definitely capitalized on lessons. Although there was a nice board for cheap there too, priorities.

If you've ever spoken with a girl that went to Central America they'll probably say something about being whistled at or talked to by the locals. It's a cultural thing, they do it to everyone. In Tamarindo I got my fair share of attention from all. Ticos and travelers alike. Not to be braggy but I think because I'm so moreno (I'm super tan right now) they see my complexion and are like hey, that's cool then they see my face and it's super exotic. I got some interesting sayings this weekend.

Por ejemplo: This guy and woman were in a store and speaking in Spanish, which I heard. It was a bit awkward. Then in English she says what they were talking about..."He likes how you look." Obviously it was awkward for all of us in that area at the moment. Admittedly he was very cute, but, under the circumstance, what really can be said after that? We thought we could leave and go away from the situation...I did say Gracias. But our friend was still trying things on. We did get the hook up on where to go that evening though.

Later at the bar they suggested we met some cool guys from the U.S. They were all cool. Funny thing about traveling, because no one knows where I'm from usually I say Washington D.C. just to make things easy. So We're talking to these guys and they say they're from NYC. I ask where in the city and they said..."Actually we're from Connecticut. No one knows where that is though."

Entonces, the next day was a beach day, flat, flat waves. Nice hot sun. We got back and I guess all of the doing nothing got to me and Sandra because we laid down to rest until dinner and ended up sleeping until 8 the next morning...oops.

The ride home was uneventful if not a bit long. We did run into an arrogant American living hopefully in college because it seemed he didn't do anything but surf or snowboard. I didn't ask how he was able to do all of those things. It was bit annoying to be told that you don't know the place your live (I consider myself a resident)who told me I was wrong to say there were no hostels in Samara. To which I said it wasn't a surf town so why would there be? Some people...

I'm sad about leaving, I'm a total beach girl and it's hard to imagine myself not by the shoreline.

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