Wednesday, March 11, 2009

49 days...oh yea and Evan gets to buy me candy

So the posters keep popping up around school. It's also getting a bit odd because there's this guy just smiling at me all the time. I also learned that if I buy $5.50 worth of stuff at Dunkin I too can have a poster!

Beyond the posters keeping me entertained, I have started taking an online TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course. So far I haven't learned anything new since being in the classroom. I guess these 10 or 11 months have taught me the ins and outs of EFL (or ESL or whatever you want to call it) classroom teaching. Because I've taken several foreign languages and advanced English classes I already knew a lot of grammar terminology, which has also presented itself in the book. The course has been pretty good giving a few new ideas here and there. However, some ideas such as group work (at least in Korea) are ideas founded by those not in the classroom: Korean students don't like to make mistakes, so unless they are very comfortable they wont speak up in class and definitely wont do group work. It's also they'll just speak in their native tongue...

I already have finished two of the modules and am on the third. My next step is taking a midterm. I'm not too sure what it involved but I'm sure I'll do well seeing I have experience and retain information well, so I wont be studying completely new stuff. I'm excited about completing the course. This means that I can teach basically anywhere once I get it. Most countries require you have a degree and TEFL to teach. So now if I want to go to Japan or Europe or South America I can. I can also ask for more money and benefits.

Also if you didn't know...(which I didn't and I live here) March 14th is White day. Now, as funny as that sounds from a country that is obsessed with all things western. It has nothing to do with race or culture, well ook consumer culture, yes. It started in Japan, because it's traditional that women give men chocolate on Valentine's Day in Japan and Korea. So because of this, the candy industry thought, "Why isn't there a day men can give women candy, then it's Valentine sales all over again!" So one month after Valentine's Day is White Day.

Lucky me, oh that's also why there are posters at Dunkin.

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