Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Korea Runs On Dunkin

It seems these past two weeks, Monday has been a day of discovery. Last week I discovered the level of laziness in my office. Yesterday I discovered I literally work with women whose level of maturity is at that of a teenage girl. Koreans, especially Korean women love coffee shops. It's where they go talk and gossip. And you thought Krispy Kreme had a good following. Sort of like when women in America go have dinner or like my mother, go walking every week with a friend. I personally like shopping...way too much.

Anyway, in our town we have a Dunkin Donuts. It's always packed with people especially women. Now everyday my coworkers go get coffee for the day. Usually Dunkin coffee, they then are able to start their day. Yesterday they come back with posters of a Dunkin spokesman, which they decide to hang up at the school. One in her classroom and one above her desk. Literally I almost laughed outloud at the parallel between a teen girls bedroom and our school. The one where he is holding donuts is an actual poster in our school. We don't have him in a tux yet...if only.

Granted he is very good looking. I forgot his name but students said he is a Korean drama actor. And do they love dramas. I guess I should do more research, so as to know who is "hanging" out in my school.

This just reminds me of college where the guys would put posters of girls and the girls posters of guys. I guess I'm a weirdo and had posters of swimmers, surfers, Classic movie stars and inspirational stuff. Looking beyond that, seeing a poster does make you a little less angry to be somehwere you don't want to be. It's nice to giggle.

Oh life and surprises.

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