Thursday, February 19, 2009

Estuvo nevando aqui

It snowed in Masan today. I believe it was for an entire day as well; I can't really say though since I only dared to go out of my apartment right before I had to be at school at 2pm. The snowflakes were really big and unlike the snow previous, which wasn't really sticking to the ground, this snow stuck like glue. Actually, on the road it was all slushy, gross. I was having a good time watching it fall down and hoped that it'd be a good time for snowboarding (potentially) this weekend. I even made a small snowman for Evan.

The photos are of several snowflakes taken at a magnified view by William Bentley a.k.a. Snowflake Bently. He was born in Vermont in the late 19th century and found a way to take individual pcitures of snowflakes. He never had them copyrighted so that everyone could see how beautiful snow really is.

I usually don't like snow at all after the first few hours. I have horrid childhood memories of having to shovel snow out of my drive way only to have it accumulate again an hour later, and so the cycle went. At school it was a life hazard considering the place shut down if there was even a news report of snow and the fact that usually the snow would melt because it was too warm during the day then freeze into a sidewalk of death that night making us take our life in our hands as we slid our way to class.

But snow has been a part of my life such as the Blizzard of 96 when there was about five feet of snow and I was out of school for a week...nice. But with my soon to be move to South Carolina I probably wont see snow all the often. So enjoy it I will.

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