Sunday, February 8, 2009

On your mark...

So we've had great weather this week and I've been going running a bit more in the mornings before school, which is lucky b/c I totally ate my body weight in food this weekend at the bath house and at Indian food and Friday night munchies. This week is going to be nice weather again so I'm planning to run a 10k everyday to not feel so gross anymore. The weather is great although if we were in South Carolina it would be even nicer. Wishful thinking...

cheer me on I need the motivation

1 comment:

  1. I will cheer you on, as you are an inspiration to me, personally. But I doubt you need the motivation. You wake up and run five miles like I wake up and eat 5 pieces of bacon. It's totally no big deal to you, and normal, and now you run 5 miles, THEN go to the gym. AWESOME.
