Friday, February 13, 2009

Love, love, love, everywhere love

"But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. " WB Yeats "He Wishes For the Cloths of Heaven"

"Love sought is good but love unsought is better." William Shakespeare, Twelth Night, Act III, scene i

About: Yeats is one of the most beautiful poets I have ever read. I love how much feeling he put into his words and the honesty he sought to show in his poems. This is one of his earlier works when he wasn't as political. Twelth Night is a Shakespearian comedy. The premise is that a girl is dressed up as a man and falls in love with the man who thinks she is a all ends happily as all of his comedies do. But I do find that the truth in this statement is so honest. When you are looking for love it is good, but the love that just happens to you is the best. My boyfriend and myself can both vouch for this concept seeing that I wasn't looking for a relationship when we met and niether was he and it's been the best thing to ever happen to us.

One of my sorority sisters wrote that once to me. I thought it was the funniest thing ever, and one of the best things I had ever heard. I don't think people are as proud of being in love or having love as they should be. Or maybe the issue isn't that they aren't proud of it but they don't have love for all of humanity, only those they consider worthy. I believe those that are best at loving ( and yes, loving is a talent) are those that feel for others, they have the most empathy and are the most passionate about life.

Whatever the case or cause of your love, Valentine's day is tomorrow. For a really long time I absolutely hated the holiday. I matured slowly through high school and I guess am/was really intimidating (my dad can concur) to boys so I never had that "Valentine's sweetheart" .

Anyway, my point is that I've come to appreciate Valentine's day here. Through all of the commercialism and hordes of candy filling the grocery store it's really sweet. I had students give me candy and notes today which I thought was really touching and kind. I suppose I'm more of a fan of non romantic love on Valentine's day, rather than the usual girls demanding their boyfriends give them flowers and presents sort of thing. It's nice to see that different kinds of love can be expressed.

I remember at school it was nice because they had the Valentine's dinner and it was more about showing your friends you cared. Although I do have a boyfriend now we don't put a lot of emphasis on traditionally "romantic" days. We know our anniversary day as the day Matt Sera and George St. Pierre fought. Ev was sick on Christmas ans I was sick on New Year's...of course. I feel we're so comfortable with each other that things like that don't matter. We're what we've both been wanting or so long that getting things just seems overly extravagant. He knows me and I know him better than anyone else ever has or will.

Tomorrow we plan on stuffing our faces full of food a buffet. No chocolates, no gifts...just Love.

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