Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Someone is out there

May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. ~Irish Blessing

This weekend we went to a Jimjilbang or better known as a bath house. In this place there are hot tubs, saunas a workout room and people even spend the night. But this post isn't about that, although I will talk of the bath house later. No, I'm actually going to delve into the topic of faith.

The quote above is what I imagine the people that I love that are watching over me must be thinking. Just to recap, I haven't lost too many people in comparison to some but I feel that for being 23 losing three people you're very close to is more than enough.

I lost one of my good friends four and a half years ago to a freak lacrosse accident and a negligent medical staff. We were Sophomores in college just beginning the semester. I was in my own world of joininig a sorority and getting into swimming again. We all had our own agendas. That summer after our Freshman year I hardly spoke to my friends from high school. Call it snobbery but I was a big college girl now, going to school the North Carolina, 500 miles away. I had seen and done things that my friends at home couldn't relate to, or so I thought. It was a friday when I got the news from one of my best friends Casey, and at 8:45pm he was gone.

His death brought my life crashing down and has affected my actions in very significant ways. I still think about him everyday and try to be the best person I can be especially because I know he's in heaven watching over us. I'm not too overtly faithful; however since Mike I have turned to God for a clearer state of mind. I got confirmed by the Catholic church last year and like to go to church when I can make it.

I've always believed that God does show signs and you just have to know where to look and let them find you, not the other way around. I've had a few before, one being my club lacrosse number being the same number as Mike's lacrosse number, without me asking for it.

This time it was very interesting. At the bath house you are given a key attached to an armband with a number on it. I had gotten the number 13 which was Mike's high school football number. Very weird, I thought it was an interesting coincidence. It was only when we got to our lockers that I realized my friend had the number 17 which was Mike's college lacrosse number. Now I'm sure the girl just picked random numbers to give us but I really can't help but believe that it was Mike saying he's okay. I had written a facebook note earlier in the day stating that his death has affected my life in ways too numerous to count and that I think about him everyday.

And so call me looking for a sign or superstitious but when things like this happen I can't help but to have a deeper faith in the life after and that good people really do go to a better place. I miss Mike everyday but I know he's watching over me and for that reason I continue living my life to the fullest.

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