Friday, February 27, 2009


Today I was told that one of the parents called and complained about me. According to her I was ignoring her child and not helping them. I was told this by the Korean teacher with whom I shared the class with. When I asked her who it was all she could say was that she didn't want to hurt my feelings. I explained that I wouldn't be able to eliminate the problem If I didn't know who it was.

After a few minutes of repeating this and trying to get an answer she finally told me. It turns out it's one of the brattiest, mamma's boys at the school who probably would go home after being rude to me, not doing any work and saying bad words to me in Korean, and cry to his mother how I would ignore him...

I just thought that this was such a strange cultural difference. Had I been in the South I would have been told exactly who said what, when and why. It was nice way to end the day someone caring about my feelings, but it did make me miss home a lot because I really miss people just being honest. But in 61 days I'm making a break for it :)


  1. 61 days isn't long girl! You can make it for sure...keep on trekking through. Miss you

  2. Stay cool, there are all kinds out there! We will welcome you back to the south when you get here!
